Oxygen's WooCommerce integration makes it easy to style your whole store using Oxygen.
You must have Oxygen, WooCommerce and Oxygen's WooCommerce Integration add-on installed to be able to use Oxygen's WooCommerce integration.
To create a product template, go to Oxygen -> Templates and add a new template. Apply the template to your products via WHERE DOES THIS TEMPLATE APPLY -> Singular -> Products.
You will need to add the Product Builder element to your template by clicking +Add -> WooCommerce -> Product Builder. The Product Builder comes pre-configured with a default layout, but you can customize it by adding individual elements to the Product Builder element.
You can read more about the Product Builder element here.
To create a shop template, go to Oxygen -> Templates and add a new template. Apply the template to your Shop via WHERE DOES THIS TEMPLATE APPLY -> Archive -> Post Types -> product and Archive -> Post Types -> product_variation. You can also apply the shop template to WooCommerce product tags, categories, and other WooCommerce post types if needed.
To create a list of products, add the Products List element to your template by clicking +Add -> WooCommerce -> Products List.
You can read more about the Product List element here.
Once WooCommerce has been set up, it will automatically assign pages for the Cart, Checkout and My Account. You can change which pages are used via WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced.
My Account
Go to the My Account page and click Edit with Oxygen. Add the My Account element to your page by clicking +Add -> WooCommerce -> My Account. You can then style the My Account element using Oxygen.
You can read more about the My Account element here.
Go to the Checkout page and click Edit with Oxygen. Add the Checkout element to your page by clicking +Add -> WooCommerce -> Checkout. You can then style the Checkout element using Oxygen.
You can read more about the Checkout element here.
Shopping Cart
Go to the Cart page and click Edit with Oxygen. Add the Shopping Cart element to your page by clicking +Add -> WooCommerce -> Shopping Cart. You can then style the Shopping Cart element using Oxygen.
You can read more about the Shopping Cart element here.
Oxygen has Global Styles for WooCommerce elements. You can change the Global Styles via Manage -> Settings -> Global Styles -> WooCommerce. There are tabs for each group of styles:
Change your button colors and border radius.
Change your link colors.
Change your input colors and border radius.
Change the text colors.
Change the notification colors.
Change the Sale Badge color, Star Rating colors, Border colors and Box Background color.
Change the heading typography.
You can find more information on the WooCommerce elements by following the links below.
Archive Description
Archive Title
Categories List
My Account
Order Tracking
Product Builder
Shopping Cart