Size & Spacing

Size & Spacing

Control element widths, heights, paddings, and margins with the settings inside Advanced -> Size & Spacing.
Padding is spacing on the inside edge of an element.
Margin is spacing on the outside edge of an element.
Width / Height

Width / Height: Explicitly defines the width and height of the element.
Min Width / Min Height: Defines the element』s minimum width and height.
Max Width / Max Height: Defines the element』s maximum width and height.

You may indicate these values in pixels, percent, em (current font size), rem, vw (1% of the browser viewport width), or vh (1% of the browser viewport height). You can also select 'none' from the unit dropdown, which enables you to use any valid CSS unit.



A state, technically known as a pseudo-class, allows you to apply styles to elements based on the state of the element.
Examples of states and pseudo-classes:

a hovered button
an active form field
the first or last element of a certain type present in a section

Editing Styles For Element States
First, click the state button. Then, select the state you wish to edit from the list.

Now you can edit the styles for this state.
Adding Custom States
By default, Oxygen lets you edit the styles for :hover, :before, and :after. It is also possible to add custom states.

Click state
Click add state. A pop-up window is displayed.
Type state/pseudo-class name (with or without the :), then click OK. The state is now added to the list.

To add a compound state like :hover:before or :first-child:hover, simply type the compound state into the box.
Complete List Of States / Pseudo-Classes
Many pseudo-classes are available. Details can be found in the Mozilla Developer Network: Pseudo-classes article.



Control the way your text looks with the settings inside Advanced > Typography.
Font Family
This setting specifies the font for an element.
By default, Oxygen allows you to choose from 800+ Google Fonts. Because there are so many fonts on Google Fonts, displaying them all at once in the list would not be practical. To use a font from Google's library, click the Font Family dropdown, and then start typing the font』s name.
Read the article on Global Fonts for information on adding any custom font or linking Oxygen to Typekit.
Font Size
Sets the size of the text.
Sets the color of the text.
Font Weight
Sets the boldness, also known as weight. A weight of 700 is bold, and 400 is normal.
Text Align
Sets the alignment of the text.

Left – Aligns the text to the left.
Right – Aligns the text to the right.
Center – Centers the text.
Justify – Stretches the lines so that each line has an equal width (like newspapers and magazines).

Line Height
Sets the amount of vertical space used by a line of text.
Oxygen recommends using a unitless line height - i.e. just a number, without px or em or %.
When a unitless line height is used, the browser automatically multiplies it by the font size to compute a final line height. For example, a line height of 1.5 and a font-size of 14px would result in lines with heights of 21px.
If you wish to use a unit, simply type it in after the number, i.e. "21px".
Letter Spacing
This setting increases or decreases the space between characters in the text.
Text Decoration

none – Default value.
underline – The text will be underlined
overline – The text will be overlined.
line-through – A line will be displayed through the text.

Font Style

normal – Default value.
italic – The text will be italic.

Text Transform
This setting allows for automatic capitalization of text.

none – No capitalization. The text renders as it is. This is used by default.
capitalize – Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase
uppercase – Transforms all characters to uppercase.
lowercase – Transforms all characters to lowercase.

Font Smoothing
This setting controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered. There are three options available:

initial – Is used by default. In this mode, the browser decides when to use subpixel antialiasing.
antialiased – Smooth the font on the level of the pixel, as opposed to the subpixel. Switching from subpixel rendering to antialiasing for light text on dark backgrounds makes it look lighter.
subpixel-antialiased – On most non-retina displays, this will give the sharpest text.

Keep the following tips in mind when changing the font smoothing:

when you place light text on a dark background, change the font smoothing to antialiased
when you place dark text on a light background, leave the font smoothing as is

Recommendation: do not use this setting until you read this excellent article on font smoothing:



Borders make items in a page stand out visually. Borders are commonly used for buttons, containers, and anywhere where divisions of content need to be clear.
Control element borders with the settings inside Advanced -> Borders.
Set the border color.
Set the thickness of the border.
The default border style is none. Thus, there is no border.
To make the border visible, set this setting to one of the following:

dotted – Specifies a dotted border
dashed – Specifies a dashed border
solid – Specifies a solid border

Unset all borders
To reset all border settings, click unset all borders. Styles for all borders are cleared.
Individual side editing
By default, you are editing all borders simultaneously.
If you want to edit just one side, choose it from the Currently Editing dropdown.

Border Radius
The effect of setting the border radius results in rounded corners. In fact, buttons with circular right and left sides are in fact rectangles with rounded borders. Their rounding radius can be large enough to make them appear circular.
Enter the radius in pixels to round the borders at all corners.

Edit Individual Radii
If you only want to round some of the corners, you can click Edit individual radii link under the Border Radius setting.

Border Styling Tips

If you have a light element on a dark background, use a border color that is slightly darker than the background
If you have a dark element on a light background, use a border color which is slightly darker than the element
To darken the edge of an element, use a semi-transparent black border and set Background Clip to padding-box at Advanced > Background.



Classes are used to apply the same styles to multiple elements. All styles set for the class will be applied to all elements that are assigned that class.
To add a class to an element, click Choose selector... or the ID of the currently active element, and then type the class name and click Add Class. Oxygen will automatically suggest classes that match your input.

To switch between editing styles for the ID and class, simply click ID or Class to open the class dropdown and then click the Selector that you'd like to edit.
To remove a class from an element, click trash icon next to the class name.
To delete all styles assigned to a class or ID, click the eraser icon next to the Selector name.
To copy styles from one Selector to another, click the copy icon next to the Selector Name you'd like to copy the styles from, then click the Selector you'd like to copy the styles to.
A list of all classes present on your site can be found at Manage -> Selectors.



Control opacity, transitions, shadows, filters and more with the settings inside Advanced -> Effects.
Animate on Scroll
Oxygen allows you to configure animations that are triggered on scroll using the Animate on Scroll library.
Each element can have its own animation settings defined. Any settings defined at the element level will override the default global animation settings, but only for that element. To enable animations on an element, select it and go to Advanced -> Effects -> Animate on Scroll in the Properties Pane, then check the "Enable Animation" box. Once that is selected, you'll be able to define animation settings for that specific element.

Animation Type - Determines the type of animation that will be used, such as flip, slide, or fade.
Animation Duration - Determines the number of milliseconds over which the animation takes place.
Anchor Placement - Defines which position of the element, in relation to the viewport, should trigger the animation.
Animation Easing - Defines the speed curve of the animation. Ease-in-out, for example, will cause the animation to be slower at the beginning and end and faster in the middle.
Animation Trigger Offset - Defines offset of animation trigger point (in relation to viewport scroll position) in px. A positive value can be used to ensure the entire element is in the viewport before the animation is triggered, whereas a negative value can be used to trigger the animation before the element enters the viewport.
Animation Delay - Determines the length of time between the animation being triggered and the animation beginning.
Anchor - Allows you to trigger the animation based on another element's position. Insert the element's ID in this field to trigger the animation when the target element's position reaches the designated Anchor Placement location.
Animate Only Once - By default, an element leaving the viewport re-sets the animation and causes it to be re-triggered when the element re-enters the viewport. You can disable this behavior by choosing "Yes."

Controls the transparency of the element. Specify a value between 0 and 1. A setting of 0 makes the element completely transparent. A setting of 1 makes the element completely opaque.
Mix Blend Mode
Determines how an element's content should blend with the content of the element's parent and the element's background.
Further reading and examples of blend mode effects:
Create gradual transitions between the values of CSS properties. When a CSS property value changes, instead of changing instantly, it will gradually transition to the new value.
Transition Duration
Time, in seconds, for the transition to take place.
Timing Function
The acceleration curve of the transition.
Further reading:
CSS Property
Defaults to all. Otherwise, specify the name of the CSS property that will be transitioned.
How much time, in seconds, should pass before the transition is applied.
Box Shadow
Display the shadow inside the element, instead of outside the element.
Set the color of the shadow.
Horizontal Offset
How far the shadow is moved horizontally.
Vertical Offset
How far the shadow is moved vertically.
How much blur to apply to the shadow.
How much to enlarge the shadow from its initial size, which is the size of the element.
Further reading:
Text Shadow
Set the color of the shadow.
Horizontal Offset
Set the horizontal distance of the text shadow from the original text.
Vertical Offset
Set the vertical distance of the text shadow from the original text.
How much blur to apply to the shadow.
Further reading:

blur - Blurs the element by the given number of pixels.
brightness - Adjusts the brightness of the element using a percentage value.
contrast - Sharpens or dulls the contrast of varying colors within the element.
grayscale - Adjusts the grayscale of the element. Highest value is black and white.
hue-rotate - Changes the hue of the colors in the element. Values from 0 to 360°.
invert - Inverts the colors of the element. 0% for original, 100% for full inversion.
saturate - Adjusts the color saturation of the element.
sepia - Adjusts the sepia tones of the element.

Further Reading:

skew - Tilts the element horizontally (Skew x) or vertically (Skew Y).
translate - Moves the element on the X, Y, or Z axis.
rotate - Rotates the element by the degrees specified.
rotateX - Rotates the element on the X axis by the degrees specified.
rotateY - Rotates the element on the Y axis by the degrees specified.
perspective - Affects 3D transforms of descendant elements, allowing them to have a consistent depth perspective.
rotate3d - Allows you to specify a point in 3D space to rotate the element around.
scale - Scales the element according to its original size. For example, 2 is 2 times the original size of the element, whereas 0.5 is half the original size of the element.

Further Reading:



Control the layout properties of elements with the settings inside Advanced > Layout.
This setting specifies the type of rendering box used for an element. There are six options available:

flex – block-level flex container. This is the default for sections, columns, and divs.
inline-flex – inline-level flex container.
block – block-level element. Set display to block when using the CSS float property on its children.
Inline – inline element (like ).
inline-block – inline-level block.
none – the element is not displayed.

The float property does not work if the parent element's display property is set to flex, which is the default for most elements in Oxygen. There are three options available:

none – Default value. The element does not float
left – The element floats to the left of its container.
right – The element floats the right of its container.

This setting specifies what should happen if content overflows an element's rendering box. There are three options available:

visible – Default value. The overflow is not clipped. It renders outside the element's box.
hidden – The overflow is clipped. The overflowing content is not visible.
scroll – The overflow is clipped, but a scroll-bar is added to see the rest of the content.

This setting specifies on which sides of an element floating elements are not allowed to float. There are four options available:

none – Default value. Allows floating elements on both sides.
left – No floating elements allowed on the left side.
right – No floating elements allowed on the right side.
both – No floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side.

This setting specifies whether or not an element is visible. There are two options available:

visible – Default value. The element is visible.
hidden – The element is hidden (but still takes up space).

This setting determines the stacking order of an element. If two elements overlay each other, the element with the higher z-index will appear on top.

This setting specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute, fixed). There are four options available:

static – Default value.
absolute – The element is positioned relative to its first positioned (not static) ancestor element.
relative – The element is positioned relative to its normal position.
fixed – The element is positioned relative to the browser window.

Flexbox Controls
Flex Direction
This setting specifies how flex items are placed in the flex container. There are four options available:

row – The flex items are displayed horizontally, as a row.
column – The flex items are displayed vertically, as a column.
row-reverse – Same as a row, but in reverse order.
column-reverse – Same as a column, but in reverse order.

Align Items
This setting specifies the default alignment for flex items inside a flex container. There are four options available:

flex-start – Items are positioned at the beginning of the container.
center – Items are positioned at the center of the container.
flex-end – Items are positioned at the end of the container.
stretch – Items are stretched to fit the container.

Justify Content
This setting aligns the flex container's items when the items do not use all available space on the main-axis. There are five options available:

flex-start – Items are positioned at the beginning of the container.
center – Items are positioned at the center of the container.
flex-end – Items are positioned at the end of the container.
space-between – Available space is distributed between the flex items.
space-around – Available space is distributed around the flex items.

Flex Wrap
This setting specifies whether flex items should wrap or not. There are three options available:

nowrap – Specifies that the flex items will not wrap.
wrap – Specifies that the flex items will wrap if necessary.
wrap-reverse – Specifies that the flex items will wrap if necessary, but in reverse order.

Align Content
This setting specifies how space is distributed between and around flex items along the cross-axis of their flex container. There are five options available:

flex-start – Lines are packed toward the start of the flex container.
center – Lines are packed toward the center of the flex container.
flex-end – Lines are packed toward the end of the flex container.
space-around – Lines are evenly distributed in the flex container, with half-size spaces on either end
stretch – Lines stretch to take up the remaining space.

Flexbox Child Controls
When an element is the child of another element which is display: flex or display: inline-flex, the Flexbox Child Controls are available.
The Align Self setting specifies the alignment for the selected item inside the flex container. There are five options available:

auto – Default value. The element inherits its parent container's Align Items property.
left – The element is positioned on the left (or start) of the container.
center – The element is positioned at the center of the container.
right – The element is positioned on the right (or end) of the container.
stretch – The element is positioned to fit the container.

The Order setting specifies the order of a flex item relative to the rest of the flex items inside the same container. The default value is 0.
The Flex Grow setting specifies how much the item grows relative to the rest of the flex items inside the same container. The default value is 0.
The Flex Shrink setting specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flex items inside the same container. The default value is 1.



Control background color, video, image, and more with the settings inside Advanced > Background.
Background Color
Set the background color of the element.
Background Image
Set an image for the background. If the image is unable to load, the color will be used.
You can set the image in three ways:

Specify the URL to the image
Upload or use an existing image in WordPress Media Library by clicking Browse
Set the background image to Dynamic Data, such as the post's featured image, by clicking Data

Image Overlay Color
If the background image is set, you can darken, lighten, and colorize the image.
Use this option to ensure text placed on background images has enough contrast to be easily readable.
Use the opacity slider at the bottom of the color picker to adjust the transparency of the overlay color, ensuring the background image shows through.
Background Size

auto - Uses the image』s original height and width.
cover - Scales the image so that it completely covers the element』s background.
contain - Scales the image so that it is completely contained inside the element.
manual - Manually set the width and height of the image.

Background Repeat

repeat - The background image is repeated both vertically and horizontally.
repeat-x - The background image is repeated only horizontally.
repeat-y - The background image is repeated only vertically.
no-repeat - The background image is not repeated. The image is only shown once. This is the default.

Background Attachment (Parallax)

scroll - the position of the background image will be fixed to the element and will scroll along with the element and page.
fixed - the position of the background image will be fixed to the page and will not scroll up and down with the element

Use fixed for a parallax scrolling effect.
Background Position (Left and Top)
Entering Top and Left values positions the image at these respective distances from the upper left corner of the element.
Background Clip

border-box - the background extends to the outer edge of the element's border
padding-box - the background extends to the inner edge of the element's border
content-box - the background extends to the beginning of the element's padding

Background Blend Mode
Background blend modes allow you to set how an element』s background image should blend with the element』s background color or gradient.

Normal - No blending is applied.
Multiply - Background color and background image are multiplied, typically resulting in a hued image that is darker than the original.
Screen  - Both background image and color are inverted, multiplied, and then inverted again.
Overlay - The background color is mixed with the image.
Darken - Replaces parts of the image that are lighter than the background color with the background color.
Lighten - Replaces parts of the image that are darker than the background color with the background color.
Color-dodge - The background color is divided by the inverse of the background image.
Color-burn - The background color is inverted, divided by the background image and then inverted again.
Hard-light - Parts of the background image that are lighter than the background color are treated as having the 「multiply」 blend mode, and parts of the image that are darker than the background color are treated as having the 「screen」 blend mode.
Soft-light - Similar to hard-light but more diffused in appearance.
Difference - The darkest colors of the background image and background color are subtracted from the lightest ones. Results in a high contrast image.
Exclusion - Similar to difference, but with lower contrast.
Hue - The hue of the background image is combined with the luminosity and saturation of the background color.
Saturation - The saturation of the background image is retained while mixing the luminosity and hue of the background color.
Color - Mixes the hue and saturation of the background image with the luminosity of the background color.
Luminosity - The luminosity of the background image is preserved while using the hue and saturation of the background color.

Setting a Video Background
Oxygen allows setting a video as the background for section elements only. To set video backgrounds for other elements, use the Video Background plugin.
Video Background URL
The video needs to be in an .mp4 or .webm file format.
You can set the video in two ways:

Specify the URL to the video
Upload or use an existing video in the WordPress Media Library by clicking Browse

Tip: store your video background on a service like Cloudinary for fast loading.
Hide Video Below
To hide a video background below a certain screen width, select the screen width in the list.
Video backgrounds work best on large screens, which are commonly found on desktop and laptop devices with fast internet connections. Mobile users often have slower connections and therefore using a video background is not recommended.
Video Overlay
If the background video is set, you can darken, lighten, and colorize the video.
Use this option to ensure text placed over the background video has enough contrast to be easily readable.
Use the opacity slider at the bottom of the color picker to adjust the transparency of the overlay color, ensuring the background video shows through.
Gradient Backgrounds