

To install a complete website from Oxygen's design library, click Oxygen > Home in the WordPress admin panel and then click Install a website.

Click view demo to preview the website, then click Install to install it.
Confirm installation by clicking Confirm & Install. The website is now installed.

You can edit the installed pages from Pages -> All Pages and the templates from Oxygen -> Templates.

User Design Library

User Design Library

The User Design Library feature allows you to create and use third party design sets in Oxygen.
Using A Third Party Design Set
To use a third party design set, you'll need to have the site key for that design set. To install it on your site, go to Oxygen > Settings > Library in the WordPress admin panel and tick the Enable 3rd Party Design Sets box, then click Update.

Next, click + Add Design Set and enter the Site Key of the design set you'd like to add.

Click Add Source Site. Now the new design set will be available under +Add > Library in the Oxygen builder. You can also install the entire design set from the site installation wizard, accessible via Oxygen > Home in the WordPress admin panel.
Creating A Design Set
Any Oxygen site can be made into a design set. First, visit Oxygen > Settings > Library and tick the Make this WordPress Install a Design Set box, then click Update. At this point, please also ensure your permalinks aren't set to Plain via Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress admin area, as it's not possible to add items from a design set that's using Plain permalinks.

Site Key - This is the key you'll need to enter in the Oxygen library settings to use this design set on another site. You can regenerate the key by clicking the Regenerate Key link below the Site Key field.
URL To Site Screenshot - This is where you can specify the screenshot that should be used for this design set. You can enter the URL of an image, select an image from the Media Library, or auto-generate a new screenshot.

The name of the Design Set is determined by the Site Title of the WordPress site as designated under Settings > General in the WordPress admin panel.
Now that the User Design Library feature is enabled, you will see an Oxygen Design Set Options meta box on pages, templates, and on a new post type that will now be available: Blocks.
Design Set Options -  Pages and Templates

Include this page/template in the default setup - This will cause this page or template to be automatically created when installing this design set via the installation wizard.
Include sections in this page/template in the library - If this is checked, all Sections from this page or template's design will be included as individual elements in the design set.
Include this entire page/template in the library - If this is checked, the entire page or template will be available in the Oxygen library as a single element.
Screenshots - Screenshots are used as a thumbnail of the design in the Oxygen library. Both pages and templates allow you to automatically generate screenshots. Templates also allow you to manually designate a screenshot.

Design Set Options - Blocks
Blocks are a post type that are enabled when the User Design Library feature is activated. You can create Blocks under Oxygen > Block Library in the WordPress admin panel. Blocks can contain the same types of Oxygen designs as pages and templates, but a Block and all of its contents are considered a single element in the library and can only be inserted as a group. It's best for each Block to contain a single Section.

Block Category - This is the category in the library under which this Block will be filed.
Screenshots - Click Generate Screenshot to generate a screenshot of this Block for the library.

Creating and Categorizing Design Set Sections
Block Sections are not categorized individually. Instead, the Block itself is categorized and will be listed under the chosen category in the library.
To include Sections from a page or template in your design set, you'll need to tick the Include sections in this page/template in the library in the Design Set Options meta box. Once the page or template's Sections are included in the library, they'll appear under Uncategorized in the library at +Add > Library > Design Sets > Your Design Set > Sections & Elements.
To categorize the Sections:

Edit the page or template in Oxygen
Find the Section you'd like to categorize in the Structure Pane
Click the hamburger icon on that Section
Click Categorize
Choose an appropriate category

Now, the categorized Section will be listed under the appropriate category in the Oxygen library.



To view all complete pages available in a design set, click +Add > Library > Design Sets > [set name] > Pages.
Click a page to add all of its contents at once.
Pages will not container a header and footer, because that comes from a Template. To access all Templates in a particular design set, a Templates folder will appear below the Pages folder, only when editing a template.

Library Overview

Library Overview

Oxygen's design library contains a wide range of page sections, complete pages, and complete websites.
Design Sets
Design Sets are groups of components and pages that have a similar style.
Design Sets include:

Components – sections and elements of pages designed to lay out a specific type of content. Headers, showcase, pricing, social proof, and call to actions are some examples of components.
Pages – complete sets of components, which are combined and customized to create a ready-made page - for example, a homepage, contact page, product tour page, and more.
Demo Websites – real-world websites built with the components in the Design Set.

Adding Sections & Elements To Your Pages
From inside Oxygen, go to +Add -> Library -> Design Sets. Choose a Design Set, and then browse to Sections & Elements.
Click an element to add it to your page.

Installing A Complete Website From The Library
Go to Oxygen -> Home in the WordPress admin panel. Then click Install a Website in the Oxygen Design Library box.
Choose a website to install, and then click Install to install it.
Loading A Complete Page Design
From inside Oxygen, go to +Add -> Library -> Design Sets. Choose a Design Set, and then browse to Pages.
Click a page to add all of its contents to your design.

Composite Elements Licensing

Composite Elements Licensing

The Composite Elements library is a paid add-on for Oxygen that introduces new helper elements.
Why did some people get Composite Elements for free?
We announced on December 7th, 2020, that anyone who held an Agency License prior to the release date of 3.7 Release Candidate 1 would get Composite Elements for free. Those announcements can be found in our alpha blog post and our alpha release video.
Why didn't you let everyone know they needed to buy Oxygen before February 12th, 2021 to get Composite Elements for free?
Giving this add-on for free to existing users is a way to thank our long-time customers. We did not intend this as a marketing tactic to encourage new users to buy Oxygen, which is why the "cutoff date" was not announced more publicly or more visibly.
In addition to that, we don't have release dates. When we announced the cutoff in the alpha blog post & video, we didn't know the Release Candidate would go out on February 12th, so it would have been impossible to announce that as a cutoff date.
I missed the cutoff. Can I get a free Composite Elements license?
I owned an Agency equivalent license prior to February 12th, 2021, but I still don't see Composite Elements in Oxygen.
This is usually because the license check is cached.

Make sure you're using your normal Oxygen license in the normal Oxygen license field. You can ignore the Composite Elements license field - you don't need to put anything there.

If you are putting the license in the correct field and it returns valid, try this:

Remove your license from the field and submit it while it's empty.
Re-enter your license and submit it again. Once the key has been saved, click Submit once more.
Check if Composite Elements now appear in the +Add Pane.

If the above steps do not resolve your problem, please contact us via and we'll investigate further.

triage: comments list and comment form

triage: comments list and comment form

Comments List
Comments List is used for displaying the user comments added to the specific post. Like other Oxygen elements, Comments List has a lot of settings which are used to customize the design. Select Advanced Styles tab to get access to the advanced settings like borders, custom CSS, Javascript, and more.

Using the presets
There is a number of comments list presets to choose from. Select the one that fits your site in the Load Preset Template list.

Once the preset is chosen, you may edit one or more settings manually. You may change borders, fonts, background, layout, etc.
Saving the presets
In Oxygen, you may also use your own presets for the comments list. To save the current settings as a preset, type its title in the Save Current as Preset and click Save.

The preset is now available in Load Preset Template list. To remove it from the list, click the cross button next to the preset title.

Using the templates
While designing comments list, it's possible to access the code and edit it. To see the template in CSS or PHP, select Basic Styles > Styles > Templates tab and click the one you want to modify. The code is displayed just like in the WordPress.

Click Apply Code to save the changes.
Click Collapse Editor to hide the code window.
Comment Form
With Oxygen, you may design the comment form the way you want. By selecting Basic Styles tab, you may quickly set up general settings like border color, text color, border radius, background color and text color of a submit button. Select Advanced Styles tab to get access to the advanced settings like borders, custom CSS, Javascript, and more.